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加拿大pc28开奖网 IAEA predicts robust growth of nuclear energy growth by 2050

2024-12-29 14:57    点击次数:72

IAEA sees an increase of at least about 40 percent in global nuclear operational capacity from 372 Gigawatt electric (GW(e)) in 2023 to 514 GW(e) by 2050.

VIENNA, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) predicted a robust growth of nuclear energy worldwide by 2050, in a report published on Monday.

The United Nations nuclear watchdog presented two predictions for global nuclear energy deployment in its "Energy, electricity and nuclear power estimates for the period up to 2050" report. The low-case projection sees an increase of about 40 percent in global nuclear operational capacity from 372 Gigawatt electric (GW(e)) in 2023 to 514 GW(e) by 2050.

In the high-case prediction, the global nuclear operational capacity is forecast to reach 950 GW(e) by 2050, about 2.5 times the figure in 2023, with "a significant contribution from small modular reactors."

The report said "supportive national policies and strategies, more favorable financing frameworks, investment in grids and work force development" are needed to achieve the high-case scenario.

当地时间12月24日,乌克兰总理什梅加尔表示,乌方已收到首笔来自美国的利用俄罗斯被冻结海外资产所产生的收益进行支付的款项,金额为10亿美元。(总台记者 王德禄)

"The global momentum behind nuclear energy continues at pace," IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said in a statement. "The new IAEA projections reflect increasing acknowledgement of nuclear power as a clean and secure energy supply."

According to the report, by the end of 2023, a total of 413 nuclear power reactors were operational across the world加拿大pc28开奖网, and an additional 59 reactors with a total capacity of 61.1 GW(e) were under construction. Nuclear power accounted for 9.2 percent of total global electricity production in 2023.  ■

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