加拿大pc28大仙预测 好意思国女孩小红书“捞”中国同学,网友维护24小时找到!

加拿大pc28大仙预测 好意思国女孩小红书“捞”中国同学,网友维护24小时找到!


Recently, Xiaohongshu (Red) topped the charts for app downloads in the United States, attracting a large number of American users to join the platform and share their lives. A user named Catalina logged into Xiaohongshu on Wednesday and immediately posted a search for a Chinese classmate she had known during high school.



Guys, I need your help. When l was in 7th or 8th grade back in 2017-2018, there was a Chinese foreign exchange student at my school. His English name was Simon, that's all l remember. But we were best friends for that year. But then he moved back to China and we couldn't communicate and l was heartbroken because we were such good friends. I need all netizens on this app to find him. Simon, if you are out there, it's Katherina. Simon, l miss you. l miss our friendship.






Simon has been found! A person who knows him reached out to me! (I’ll show you the picture) I want to say thank you so much for liking, commenting, and viewing my video and giving it the attention it needed in order to find my friend! I can not believe. I'm still in shock but here's a big hug, lots of kisses, and lots of love!



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