加拿大pc28官网开奖网址 Int'l table tennis tournament held in Hamburg to promote bilateral exchanges
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加拿大pc28官网开奖网址 Int'l table tennis tournament held in Hamburg to promote bilateral exchanges
发布日期:2024-12-26 14:49    点击次数:145

HAMBURG加拿大pc28官网开奖网址, Germany, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) -- A China-Germany table tennis tournament was held Friday in Hamburg, Germany to promote bilateral exchanges through sports.

The 7th Taicang "China-Germany Friendship Cup" International Table Tennis Invitational Tournament drew over 120 athletes from 18 teams representing China and Germany, and they were divided into Group A (professional) and Group B (amateur).

During the tournament, Chinese players like Liu Jialiang and Li Yongyin加拿大pc28官网开奖网址, along with their German counterparts such as Benno Oehme, delivered impressive performances, offering the audience a high-level competition.

"The tournament serves as a bridge, using table tennis to strengthen economic ties and promote sports and cultural exchanges between China and Germany," Xu Huadong, mayor of Taicang City, east China's Jiangsu Province, addressed at the opening ceremony. He added that since its inception in 2016, the event has become a hallmark for Taicang, a city known as a "model of China-German cooperation".

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Neighboring Shanghai加拿大pc28官网开奖网址, the city of Taicang, spanning approximately 800 square kilometers, is known as the "hometown of German enterprises" in China, with over 530 German enterprises flocking here.  ■

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