加拿大pc28开奖直播 China, Thailand to deepen marine scientific, technological cooperation
Chiang Mai加拿大pc28开奖直播, Thailand, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- More than 100 experts and representatives from natural resources and marine departments of China and Thailand have gathered here to share insights on marine scientific and technological cooperation.
The three-day meeting of China-Thailand Cooperation on Marine concluded in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday, including steering committee meeting and joint workshop. Both sides expressed commitment to continuously promote international cooperation to meet these challenges in the marine field.
During the meeting, the project leaders of the China-Thailand Joint Laboratory for Climate and Marine Ecosystems from both sides introduced the latest developments of flagship cooperation projects. The representatives also reviewed the application of project results and social benefits as well as discussed the 2025 work plan.
Sumana Kajonwattanakul, director of Marine and Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute, Thailand's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said he hoped that the cooperation between the two countries in the marine field will be further expanded and deepened with joint efforts, and high-quality cooperation results will be produced.
Qiao Fangli, deputy director general of the First Institute of Oceanography, the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, said that by holding this meeting, the two sides exchanged the latest results of marine scientific and technological cooperation.
China and Thailand became close marine scientific research friends through long-term cooperation, which was a vivid practice of building a maritime community with a shared future, he added.■
电动自行车是很多人生活中离不开的出行工具。在中国,平均每4人就有一辆电动自行车。 然而,近年来电动自行车安全事故多发,引发深层次的反思:如何纳入更规范的管理体系,确保其安全又便利? 今年3月,“新华视点”记者深入多地调查,围绕劣质电池如何流入市场、违规改装缘何屡见不鲜、违规停放和充电如何治理等问题,推出电动车安全隐患系列调查。 4月,国务院常务会议部署开展电动自行车安全隐患全链条整治工作。4月28日,国务院安委办召开视频会议,剑指各环节问题:“电池本质安全水平不高、产品质量把控不严、违规拼装改装行为屡禁不绝、停放充电设施供需矛盾突出”。 电动自行车治理思路发生了变化,从过去侧重管理车主转向全链条整治。 ——更加强调源头治理。通过健全标准体系、强力打非治违,提升产品质量,减少后端治理压力。 11月1日,三项新修订的强制性国标及修改单开始实施。加上正在修订的《电动自行车安全技术规范》,标准体系日臻完善。 针对非法拼装改装等问题,多部门组成联合检查组,对各地经营网点和维修店铺开展专项检查。 “今年以来,明显感受到市场监管趋严、趋紧,对电动车门店车辆是否合规、电池安全性能的抽检频次也在明显增多。”星恒电源股份有限公司相关负责人说。 ——疏堵结合解决难题。大力推进充电设施建设、蓄电池以旧换新等工作,更好满足人们的生活需求。 记者注意到,针对在居民小区实现电动自行车停放场所和充电设施全覆盖,多地列出时间表。如上海今年4月印发工作方案,推进充电设施全覆盖。吉林也提出力争2025年底前,符合条件的既有居住小区电动自行车实现停放场所和充电设施全覆盖。 商务部最新数据显示,参加电动自行车以旧换新的销售门店数量由10月初的2.6万家增至目前的4.1万家,增长57.7%。截至12月19日,全国电动自行车实现售旧、换新各102.3万辆。