加拿大pc28开奖统计 Update: China's Smart Dragon-3 rocket launches 8 satellites from sea

发布日期:2024-12-24 03:14    点击次数:117

HAIYANG, Shandong, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- China launched a Smart Dragon-3 carrier rocket from the waters near the city of Haiyang in east China's Shandong Province on Tuesday, placing eight satellites into planned orbit.

The commercial rocket blasted off at 10:31 a.m. (Beijing Time), carrying Tianyi-41 and other satellites.

The Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center carried out this offshore launch.


Smart Dragon-3 commercial carrier rocket is developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

The four-stage solid-propellant Smart Dragon-3 rocket is a type of cost-effective and highly reliable launch vehicle that is mainly used for launching spacecraft to the sun-synchronous orbit or low Earth orbit, according to the developer.

Smart Dragon-3 has a strong carrying capacity and is suitable for a variety of commercial space launch missions. With a length of 31 meters and a maximum diameter of 2.64 meters加拿大pc28开奖统计, the rocket has a carrying capacity of about 1.5 tonnes for a 500 km solar synchronous orbit, said the developer.  ■


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