加拿大pc28预测官网开奖 FIFA releases new world rankings
GENEVA加拿大pc28预测官网开奖, Sept. 19 (Xinhua) -- Argentina and France kept their top two positions on the newly released FIFA Men's World Ranking on Thursday.
World champions Argentina remain atop of the standing with 1889.02 points, and France 1851.92 points.
Spain are in third place with 1836.42 points加拿大pc28预测官网开奖, followed by England (4th), Brazil (5th), and Belgium (6th). The top ten teams are unchanged as the Netherlands, Portugal, Colombia and Italy occupy the next four spots after the leaders.
A total of 184 international matches were played in September as FIFA World Cup 2026 qualifiers, continental competitions and friendlies were contested everywhere around the world.
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Japan move two positions up to the 16th加拿大pc28预测官网开奖, Iran up one to the 19th, while Denmark are also into the top 20 to make their marks in the chasing pack. ■
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