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- 发布日期:2025-01-03 00:46 点击次数:101
BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- Organizers of the ongoing 2024 World Agrifood Innovation Conference (WAFI 2024) are putting sustainability into practice as they advocate for low-carbon transition in agrifood systems.
In a unique initiative, the conference has introduced plantable leaflets made from renewable resources, which are embedded with seeds. Attendees are encouraged to soak these leaflets, plant them in soil, and nurture them until flowers bloom.
"It's a way to promote waste reuse and environmental protection," said Xing Luting, a participant from the Shanghai Agricultural Sci-tech Service Center, who took ten leaflets back to her colleagues.
Traditionally, conference materials have a short lifespan, and are often discarded after just a single use, but now they have been given a new lease on life, said Ravindra Dekate, a participant from India who is focused on waste reuse.
The conference's green initiatives have been well received by participants from different countries. Attendees encounter low-carbon tips throughout the venue, such as using reusable bottles, prioritizing public transport, and opting for digital documents.
The conference, which began on Friday, has gathered about 800 experts from over 70 countries and regions around the world. Its focus is on low-carbon transition in agrifood systems through sci-tech innovation to address climate change.
"We are committed to a green conference model," said Fu Wenge, secretary-general of the advisory board of the conference, and a professor at China Agricultural University (CAU).
China is a strong advocate for green and sustainable development, as underlined by its commitments to carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. "To meet these goals, green practices should permeate all aspects of life and work, including conferences," Fu emphasized.
"Holding a conference with a green concept is a good opportunity to showcase how China, as a populous nation, demonstrates its low-carbon philosophy through practical actions," he added.
Sustainability extends to the dining experience at WAFI 2024, with a buffet featuring a variety of plant-based options. A significant portion of the meat alternatives is provided by DeePro Technology, a Chinese food tech company. Their plant-protein meat substitutes 60 percent to 70 percent of traditional meat in catering, closely mimicking the flavors and textures of meat in dishes like sauced beef and luncheon meat.
James Sharp, a conference participant from the UK Department for Business and Trade, appreciated this initiative. "It's really useful that the conference is providing that," he said, adding that it is a powerful way to inspire changes among attendees.
Zhang Wei, founder of DeePro Technology, highlighted the multiple benefits of their plant-based protein, saying that their food products both address food shortages and reduce the carbon footprint of animal agriculture.
Additionally, 90 percent of the food served at the conference is locally sourced, minimizing transportation-induced carbon footprint, according to Fu.
A low carbon-themed recreational running campaign was also held during the conference on Saturday to encourage attendees to embrace sustainable lifestyles and commit to eco-friendly choices in their lives. "Our concept for the conference is to go green in every aspect," Fu stressed, underscoring that raising awareness about sustainability is key to achieving transformative change.
Initiated in 2023, the WAFI aims to serve as a world-class platform for advancing global agrifood innovation. The conference is co-organized by the government of Pinggu District of Beijing, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs加拿大pc28在线开奖网站, CAU and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. ■
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